Modello 730: quando è obbligatorio
Dal 10 maggio è possibile presentare il 730, nonostante sullo stesso Modello ci siano ancora alcuni dubbi.
Innovative and strategic solutions for all-round staff management in micro and large enterprises throughout Italy.
No paper systems through the use of dedicated areas and customised applications.
HR Solutions: outsource your HR department, optimise costs and save time.
Studio Quintavalle draws up payrolls for its clients, guaranteeing certain costs and simplified personnel management. The service is managed by Senior Payroll Specialists who work in teams with our Consultants.
Comprehensive consultancy in Human Resources management
Personnel budget
Industrial Relations
Corporate welfare plans
Financing for enterprises
Compulsory courses on professional apprenticeships
Implementation of extracurricular training activities
Safety at work
Active policies: Regional outplacement systems
In a world of work undergoing sudden changes and increasing complexity, constant and qualified updating is an important factor for success. Studio Quintavalle is involved in the training sector in different fields.
Dal 10 maggio è possibile presentare il 730, nonostante sullo stesso Modello ci siano ancora alcuni dubbi.